Quote For The Week: Friendship


We move through life in search of someone – anyone. For most it’s the search for a partner to settle down with, for others it’s someone who truly understands them.

A Friend can be both.

Before you find that special someone, you have the company of your friends. It doesn’t need to be more than one person; one friend who sticks by you is worth thousands more than people who leave you when you need help the most.

We’re truly beings drifting over to an uncertain future, but that doesn’t mean we have to do it alone. 

With your comrade(s) by your side, nothing in life will feel too foreboding. When you’re free from the shackles of solitude you never get the sense any mountain is too high to scale, or any horizon is too far to conquer.

So go on out there and set sail in this vast, often scary world; your brethren singing songs of glory next to you will accompany you till the ends of the seas.